Thursday, November 6, 2008

New logo

I fired up Photoshop and drew a new header logo, but it seems to be lacking something. Colours, more elements or what.. Perhaps it's just the wrong ratio. It looks a bit boring at the moment. And I messed up some of the paths, so they don't look quite curvy enough. 
Maybe I'll rework it, or go back to the old one, but that one is based on a truetype font, and it just doesn't feel right.
Edit: I added some more stuff to make it marginally more interesting.

Now is the time for comments.


rotheblo said...

I liked the other logo better. I felt like the blockiness of previous font felt more like and old arcade, plus it had color.

I like Graffiti styled fonts in general, but don't feel like it fits the content of the website, and is a little hard to read. Maybe if each character was still in color, it wouldn't be as hard to read, but maybe not...

Anonymous said...

Very nice logo! Keep up your good work!

Chexue said...

Hva med å skru mer på Arcader, og lefle mindre i Photoshöp ? :P (sa elefanten i glassmagasinet )

Anonymous said...

What Jeff said. I actually liked your old logo a lot. I appreciate the new one. It does look cool, but the first thing I noticed is that it was hard to read.

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